
Ir. H. Joko Widodo
Ir. H. Joko Widodo

This is the story of how Jokowi was a carpenter who became President of Indonesia. No one thought that a simple figure like Jokowi would occupy the highest leadership in Indonesia as Indonesia's seventh president.

He is a Furniture entrepreneur from Solo. His actions in politics began when he became mayor of Solo. His story from the Mayor of Solo to becoming the President of Indonesia is very interesting. Here we present the Profile and Biography of Jokowi (Joko Widodo) along with the complete biodata.

Jokowi's Biography Full Name: Ir. H. Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
Nickname: Jokowi
Place of Birth Date: Surakarta, June 21, 1961
Parents: Noto Mihardjo (Father), Sujiatmi Notomihardjo (Mother)
Brother: Ida Yati, Titik Relawati, Iit Sriyantini
Wife: Iriana Joko Widodo
Son: Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Kaesang Pangarep, Kahiyang Ayu

Profile and Biography of Jokowi Brief

Jokowi was born with the full name of Joko Widodo. He was born in Surakarta, June 21, 1961. He was the son of the couple Noto Mihardjo and Sudhiatmi and the eldest of four children.

He is the only son, all his sisters are women. Actually, he also had a younger brother but died when his mother was giving birth. The small name of Jokowi is Mulyono.


Regarding Jokowi's life journey, we have to go back to Joko Widodo's or Jokowi's childhood, including a child who came from a simple or underprivileged family.

Becoming a Pelvic Flap Until Ojek Ojek

Hailing from a modest family caused Jokowi to feel a difficult and hard life, since he began studying at Tirtoyoso Public Elementary School 111, became a pelvis, an umbrella motorcycle taxi, and traded since he was a child only to finance his school needs to eat everyday.

When other friends go to school, he prefers to walk. His skill as a carpenter was obtained from his father, Noto Mihardjo, when he was 12 years old, he had worked as a sawmill.

At that time he felt the bitterness of the eviction because his house had been evicted three times, from there his way of thinking about leadership was formed, he knew what he had to do when he had to control his residents when he became Mayor of Solo and Governor of Jakarta.

Graduating from elementary school, he then entered the Surakarta 1 Public Middle School and then graduated from there he continued his studies at Surakarta 6 Public High School.

Enter the UGM Faculty of Forestry

In Jokowi's biography it is known that after graduating from high school, he then tried to go to college, then he was accepted into the Department of Forestry at Gajah Mada University.

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There he studied very hard about wood, its processing technology and its use so that he became known as Juragan Mebel.

Jokowi finished his studies in 1985, he later married Iriana Jokowi on December 24, 1986 in Solo, who then gave him three children named Gibran Rakabuming, Kaesang Pangarep and Kahiyang Ayu.

Jokowi later that year he began working at a BUMN Paper Company called PT. Kraft Aceh, but there he felt uncooperative, so he chose to resign and try to do wood business in Solo while waiting for the birth of his first child.
Jokowi Married to Mrs. Iriana
Jokowi Married to Mrs. Iriana

Starting a Furniture Business

In Solo, the first thing he did was work at his uncle's company, at CV Roda Jati, then after much experience he got from there.

Jokowi then ventured to open his own wood business by creating a business entity called CV. Rakabu in 1988 in the field of wood furniture, the name of the business entity was inspired by the name of his first child, Gibran Rakabuming.

Jokowi's wood business is under the auspices of CV. Rakabu experienced ups and downs and even almost collapsed or went bankrupt but in 1990 thanks to an injection of a loan of 30 million rupiah from his mother, Jokowi then tried to get back up.

Why is he called 'Jokowi'?

It was from his wood business that he became known as 'Jokowi'. Jokowi's name was given by his customer, Mikl Romaknan, who was a German man.

The name Joko Widodo seems difficult to pronounce by Mikl Romaknan until he then abbreviates it as ‘Jokowi’ only until Joko Widodo is famous for Jokowi's greeting to this day.

And thanks to Mikl Romaknan he then received many furniture orders from abroad in addition to honesty and hard work in the timber business.

Falls in Politics

Biography of Jokowi (Joko Widodo) - The Seventh President of Indonesia The inspiration for good leadership and a clean and neat city layout is obtained from the results of his trips abroad around Europe when he was in the furniture business.

Mayor of Solo

Then in 2005, he was nominated as a candidate for Mayor of Solo by the National Awakening Party and PDI Perjuangan even though he did not have enough political experience, he managed to come out as a winner and become mayor of Solo.

Jokowi's victory as Mayor of Solo became Jokowi's initial foothold towards the Indonesian President's seat. His leadership and breakthrough as Mayor of Solo changed the face of the city of Solo as "Spirit of Java", he was also known as the leader of "blusukan" which is often around to see first hand the state of the city.

The city of Solo became a comfortable city, structuring the city, relocating traders without causing riots, and making Solo a host city at an international event were a small part of Jokowi's achievements.

It was also proven that he succeeded once again as a solo mayor in the next regional election in 2010. And from there he then became known to the people because of his simplicity and achievements.

Governor of DKI Jakarta

The success of leading the city of Solo then made Golkar leaders who were also former vice-president Jusuf Kalla asked Jokowi to advance to the Governor's Chair.

Had refused, Jokowi then finally accepted and then the PDI-P Party led by Megawati Soekarno Putri and the Gerindra Party led by Prabowo Subianto.

The PDI struggle and the official Gerindra Party carried it in 2012 as a Candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta in pairs with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or better known as Ahok.

Many parties who argue that the Jokowi-Ahok pair as the Governor Candidate pair that is not favored even the survey said so, but what happened was that the Jokowi-Ahok pair managed to gather votes that matched the incumbent pair Fauzi Bowi with a narrow margin until finally the Jakarta Election was held round second.

Finally the second round of the election succeeded in making Jokowi-Ahok win the seat of the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Many parties consider that the strategy of Jokowi's smart political campaign as Jokowi's success in winning the governor's seat.

After he was appointed Governor of DKI Jakarta, he then tried to work in accordance with what he promised during the campaign first.

He tried to improve irrigation, street vendor management, and improve transportation that was a problem for the capital city of Jakarta, besides making policies for healthy Jakarta cards and smart Jakarta cards for education, improving transportation systems, reducing nepotism in the Jakarta bureaucracy with the auction system. position.

Although many people who consider that they have not succeeded in overcoming the problems of the capital, many DKI Jakarta residents feel quite satisfied with the policies that they have made towards Jakarta.

Not long ago as Jakarta Governor, PDI Perjuangan through the mandate of Megawati Soekarno Putri gave orders that Jokowi advance as a Candidate for President with Jusuf Kalla as Vice President in 2014.

He then carried it out, Jokowi's announcement as a Candidate for the President of Indonesia was held at the house of Si Pitung by kissing the Red and White Flag.

Then Jokowi's official declaration as a presidential candidate was held at Gedung Juang 45, the progress of him as a Candidate for the President of Indonesia was supported by four parties, namely the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, NasDem Party, National Awakening Party and Hanura Party.

President of the Republic of Indonesia

Then in July 2014, the results of the vote count by the Indonesian KPU stated Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla as the winner in the 2014 Presidential Election with a vote of 53.15% or 70,997,833.

Jokowi defeated his opponent Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa with a vote of 46.85% or 62,576,444 while the difference between Jokowi and Prabowo was 8,421,389 votes.

Even though the victory was protested by the presidential candidate pair from the Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa camp until then sued for the vote acquisition, in the end Jokowi managed to occupy the number one seat in Indonesia or as the Seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Jokowi's inauguration as President was held on October 20, 2014 at the DPR / MPR RI Building. This ceremony officially marked the commencement of Joko Widodo's position as President accompanied by Jusuf Kalla as Vice-President of Indonesia.

Jokowi began his role as president of the Republic of Indonesia by issuing a Healthy Indonesia card, a smart Indonesia.

In the maritime field he gave instructions through Minister Susi Pudjiastuti to fish thieves in Indonesian waters, namely sinking ships which were widely appreciated by many groups. He also cleared many abandoned development projects.

In addition, he distributed a thousand more tractors to boost agricultural production, inviting foreign investors with an investment of 300 trillion rupiah when he gave a speech at APEC.

However, the other policies that he issued were also protested by many groups, for example raising the price of fuel oil (BBM), the appointment of Budi Gunawan as the National Police Chief who was later canceled due to conflict with the KPK.

Until the signatory to the Perpres letter concerning the increase in advances of official cars which he did not know, causing many protests. Biography of Jokowi (Joko Widodo) - Seventh President of Indonesia

Many consider him as a leader who has brought great changes both when he served as Mayor of Solo and Governor of Jakarta.

Apart from the many controversies regarding the policies of President Jokowi or Joko Widodo, Jokowi is a figure that deserves attention, how not only in less than ten years did he reach the top as number one in Indonesia.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo when delivering a speech at the World Economic Forum on ASEAN
Indonesian President Joko Widodo when delivering a speech at the World Economic Forum on ASEAN

Jokowi (Joko Widodo)

No wonder the 2014 TIME magazine made Jokowi's face the cover of the magazine and called it "person of the year" and also included himself as one of the best leaders in the world.

Becoming a Presidential Candidate for 2019

In August 2019, Jokowi made a declaration to become a candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. Jokowi paired up with a cleric namely KH Ma'ruf Amin from the clergy as Indonesia's vice presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election.

In May 2019, the results of the KPU vote set Jokowi and KH Ma'ruf Amin as the winners in the 2019 presidential election. He got a score of around 85.6 million votes outperforming the pair Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno who won around 68.6 million votes.

Jokowi's Unique and Interesting Facts (Joko Widodo)

Jokowi is a politician who has never lost when he advanced as a contestant in the regional elections and presidential elections. Jokowi has always won for five times, either running as a solo mayor for 2 periods, the Governor of DKI, until the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Although now known as a President, Jokowi is a figure who likes the flow of rock music or Metal music. Naturally, if he is usually nicknamed as the President of 'Heavy Metal'. He is known to like metal bands like Metallica, Lamb of God to Zed Zepelin.

Jokowi was the president whose inauguration was celebrated directly by the Indonesian people at Monas. Even at that time the celebration was also enlivened by many bands including foreign bands.