
5 Options Ointment to Treat Swollen Anus and Itching Due to Hemorrhoid
Image by Darko Djurin from Pixabay

Feeling a soft lump in the buttocks, pain when sitting, pain when absent, until a bloody chapter can be a sign that you have hemorrhoids (hemorrhoid). There are many causes of hemorrhoids, and therefore the treatment options also vary. One of them is by regularly applying the ointment to the lump of hemorrhoids.

A hemorrhoid ointment option from a powerful and safe doctor

Generally hemorrhoid can heal itself. But if it doesn't heal after a week, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will later diagnose how severe your hemorrhoid condition is and give an ointment that must be applied routinely. What are the choices?

1. Hydrocortisone ointment

To treat hemorrhoid, generally the doctor will give hemorrhoids ointments that contain hydrocortisone.

Hydrocortisone is a class of corticosteroid drugs that works to reduce swelling, redness, and itching.

Hemorrhoids ointments that contain hydrocortisone can generally be in the form of topical cream or cream in a tube equipped with an applicator. The applicator works to avoid the risk of bacterial exposure and infection from direct skin contact between the hand and the anus.

A hydrocortisone topical ointment can be applied to the hemorrhoid visible in the anus (external / external hemorrhoid).

What is the dosage and how to use it?

Hemorrhoid ointment with hydrocortisone content may be used in children aged 12 years and over to adults. This topical ointment is generally used up to 3 or 4 times a day.

Before using this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist for instructions for use. Use hydrocortisone hemorrhoid ointment as prescribed by the doctor. Do not use it too much or less than what the doctor recommends.

This drug should not be used in the long run because there is a risk of side effects. Hydrocortisone ointment can cause side effects such as mucosal atrophy.

Don't forget to tell your doctor if the symptoms of hemorrhoids improve, worsen, or there are side effects while using ointments. If you get better or worse, your doctor can change the dose as needed.

If you have used hydrocortisone ointment and it has not improved in 7 days, stop using it and contact your doctor.

2. Lidocaine and hydrocortisone ointment

Some ointments for hemorrhoid also contain a combination of lidocaine and hydrocortisone.

Hydrocortisone works to treat itching, swelling, redness, and discomfort in the anus.

Meanwhile, lidocaine is an anesthetic agent that works to temporarily numb the pain in the area.

How to use and dosage?

This hemorrhoids ointment is applied using a special applicator. Before applying it, first clean the swollen anus area with soap and running water. Rinse thoroughly and dry well.

Usually a combination of lidocaine and hydrocortisone ointment is also equipped with disposable wipes to clean the hemorrhoid anal area.

Do not use your fingers to rub the medicine into the anus. When you want to use it, gently insert the tip of the applicator only 1.5-2.5 cm into the anus. Apply the ointment in and around the anal canal as directed in the packaging instructions or by your doctor.

If your product is a single-use specialty, discard all parts and packaging immediately after use. Do not reuse applicators and drug residues (if any).

To rub the ointment on the outside of the anus, just rub a little and rub gently. Once again remember, hydrocortisone ointment can have side effects in the form of mucosal atrophy. Should not be used in the long run.

Natural ointment to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms at home

In addition to your doctor's choice of ointments, you can also use natural ointments that you may already have at home. Here are the choices:

1. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is an ointment made from the Hamamelis virginiana plant, a type of shrub native to North America. The leaves and bark of the shrub are often made into ointments.

Witch hazel is believed to be useful for reducing pain, itching and bleeding due to hemorrhoids. Witch hazel has been shown to contain tannin which can help reduce inflammation and slow bleeding.

However, there have not been many valid studies stating that this hemorrhoids ointment is effective for treating hemorrhoids.

To try to treat hemorrhoid, apply a witch hazel ointment directly to the affected skin. Apply the ointment 6 times a day after bowel movements.

Apply it on swollen hemorrhoids only, not recommended to be applied until it enters the anal canal. Make sure you don't have an allergy to witch hazel before use.

2. Cream mixture of glycerin and epsom salt

Quoted from the Cleveland Clinic, you can make your own hemorrhoids ointment at home from a mixture of glycerin and Epson salt. This home ointment can be applied directly to the inflamed anus. Here's how to make it:
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of epsom salt with 2 tablespoons of glycerin
  • Apply the mixture to the gauze and place it in the painful area
  • Leave the gauze in the swollen anus anal for 15-20 minutes
  • Repeat every four to six hours until the pain subsides

3. Use aloe vera gel

Aloe vera ointment is commonly used to treat various skin conditions. Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory property that can help reduce skin irritation.

Until now there is not enough scientific evidence to confirm the benefits of aloe vera to treat hemorrhoids. But according to the National Center for Complimentary and Integrated Health, aloe vera gel is very safe to use.

With notes, aloe vera gel that is applied for hemorrhoid can only be pure without any mixture. You can scrape pure aloe gel directly from the leaves of fresh aloe vera.

Make sure you do not have an allergy to aloe vera before use. People who have garlic allergy tend to be allergic to aloe vera too. Try to apply a little gel on the back of the hand and wait 24-48 hours.

If there is no reaction, aloe vera gel is safe to use as an hemorrhoid ointment.