
Cooperation / cooperative
In Indonesian economic system, cooperative becomes an appropriate corporation to Indonesian nature and identity. What are the roles, the type, and the use of cooperation in Indonesia? What are the principle of cooperation to be appropriate corporation to Indonesian identity? Examine the following explanation!

The Role of Cooperation in Indonesian Economy

The role of cooperation in Indonesian economy is very significant because of
  1. cooperation is based on the family relationship principles and it tends to be appropriate to Indonesian identity;
  2. cooperation is appropriate corporation to low-class society. While, high-class society give the supporting aids to develop it.
The role of cooperation in Indonesia economy is stated in the explanation section 33 of 1945 Constitution. This section states that cooperation is an appropriate form of corporation to gain society's prosperity. By the explanation in the section 33 of 1945 Constitution, cooperation holds the position as the pillar of national economy and becomes an integrated part in the system of Indonesian economy. Laws No. 25 of 1992 about cooperation states that cooperation has a definition as follows.

Cooperation is a corporation of which the members tend to person by person or corporation of cooperation of which the activity is run based in on the principle of cooperation. Cooperation becomes also as the move of people economy based on the principle of family relationship.

The Types of Cooperation

The types of cooperation covers credit cooperation, consumers, producers, marketing, and services.

The Benefit of Cooperation

The benefit of cooperation can be viewed from two sectors; those are the use of cooperation in the sector of economy and the use of cooperation in the sector of social.
1) The use of cooperation in the sector of economy as follows.
  • To increase the income of the cooperation's members. The profit of cooperation will be returned to the members according to their service and participation.
  • To offer the cheap goods and services to consumers that goods sold at the stores in order that those who includes as the poor cooperation members are able to consume them.
  • To grow the motif to attempt in humaneness. In running the production, the cooperation does not only obtain a profit, but also serves the cooperation members necessities.
  • To grow the honesty and the open manner in the cooperation management. Each member has the right to be a cooperation board and to know about the cooperation monetary report.
  • To give a training for society about how to spend their income in an effective way and how to use them economically.
2) The benefit of cooperation in the sector of social as follows.
  • To stimulate the realization of society's peaceful life.
  • To stimulate the realization of the human rules which builds on the principles of the family relationship, not on the materialistic connectivity.
  • To educate the members of cooperation to have the spirit of cooperating and family relationship.

The Principles of Cooperation

The principles of economy are stated in Laws No. 25 of 1992 about cooperation. The principles are explained as follows.
  1. Cooperation runs the principles of cooperation. In this case, the cooperation membership refers to the voluntary and open membership. Cooperation is managed in a democratic way. Besides, cooperation distributes the rest of activity output fairly and in proportion to each member's endeavor. It gives a limited recompense towards the capital and autonomy.
  2. Cooperation develops the production by carrying out the principles of cooperation education and cooperation between cooperation.
These principles set cooperation to have functions as a corporation and as the activation of people's economy in the social nature. The principles of economy is elaborated in the following details.
  1. The cooperation membership refers to the voluntary membership. It means, people cannot be compelled to be a cooperation member. A cooperation member can be resigned with the condition that is set in the base fiscal. The cooperation membership refers to open the membership. It means, people have a right to be a cooperation member. Cooperation does not differentiate those who would like to be the cooperation members.
  2. Cooperation management is run under democratic way. It means, the management is carried out based on the members intention and decision by cooperation members meeting. The cooperation member meeting becomes the highest power holder in cooperation.
  3. The profit distribution or the rest of output activity (SHU/Sisa Hasil Usaha)) is not based only on the members capital, but it is based on members service to cooperation.
  4. Each member pays his capital to cooperation. As a capital owner, each member will get his recompense properly. The amount of the recompense is limited. It means, the recompense is not greater than the bank interest.
  5. Cooperation follows the principle of autonomy.
  6. Education of cooperation tends to improve the cooperation members abilities, skills, and knowledge.
  7. Cooperation of between cooperation tends to strengthen solidarity between cooperation to realize the purpose of cooperation.