
This Is The Reason Black Plastic Bags May Not Be Used For Meat Containers
Image by tribunnews[dot]com

In recent years, black crackle is often used as a container to wrap sacrificial meat during the Eid al-Adha celebration. Black crackle is often used by people to wrap food because it is considered more practical.

The government itself has banned the use of crackle or plastic bags that are not standardized for use in food. This has been done by DKI Jakarta which prohibits the use of plastic as a sacrificial meat container.

"First, it is because of the food grade. Many plastic circulating, the black crackle, is not food grade. This means that if he comes in contact with food, then the components of the plastic used to make plastic will be stripped and entered into food," said food technology expert from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir Purwiyatno Hariyadi.

An ingredient is considered food grade if it does not move harmful substances from the material into the food to be consumed so that the food is protected in texture and most importantly, does not endanger health.

Crackle plastic bags, especially black, are mostly recycled products whose previous use is often unknown. It could be from pesticide containers, waste, heavy metals, and so on.

In addition, the component or material used to make black crackle is polyvinyl chloride which is internationally regarded as one of the substances harmful to health. Therefore crackle made from this material should not be used directly on any type of food.

"It will become a contaminant. If it is not food grade, the amount of contamination will endanger health," he concluded.