
Healthy and Safe Sports Guide for People with Ulcer Symptoms
Image by Muddu36 from Pxhere

Exercise keeps your body fit and healthy. However, not everyone can exercise comfortably and smoothly, one of them having health problems, such as an ulcer. In order to be able to undergo exercise comfortably, ulcer sufferers need special guidance. Here's a sports guide for people with stomach problems.

Sports guide for ulcer sufferers

Gastritis or dyspepsia is a set of symptoms of upper abdominal pain, continued belching, flatulence, burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting.

These symptoms are usually often experienced by people with gastric acid reflux / GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Usually, people with this condition also have excess weight. That is why, doctors will usually ask to lose weight.

You will be asked to rearrange your diet and increase activities, such as exercise. Unfortunately, exercise can also trigger ulcer symptoms.

Certain sports movements can increase pressure on the stomach. As a result, stomach acid rises and causes ulcer symptoms.

Although it can be risky, it does not mean that ulcer sufferers are not permitted to exercise. This activity remains safe and healthy if done by paying attention to the condition of the body.

Here are some sports guidelines that you should follow if you have an ulcer.

1. Choose the right sport
In order for sports for ulcer sufferers to run safely, the choice of type of exercise must be considered. The goal is to avoid excessive pressure in the stomach.

You should avoid exercises that can block the function of the lower esophageal sphincter (esophageal) muscle. Movements that make you have to be upside down, bend or fight gravity for a long time should also be avoided.

Doing high-intensity exercise can also relax the esophageal sphincter muscle, allowing stomach acid to rise into the esophagus.

Examples of high-intensity exercise that should be avoided by ulcer sufferers are running, cycling, jumping rope, climbing, lifting weights in a lying position, or exercising in rapid motion.

Instead, try to do sports such as walking relaxed, swimming, and lifting weights in a standing position.

2. Eat first
Food is an energy source for sports. This is very important, especially for gastric sufferers in order to prevent stomach acid from rising because of an empty stomach during exercise.

However, the choice of food before exercise also may not be origin You should avoid foods and drinks that usually trigger stomach acid, such as:

Food is spicy, fatty, and oily
Coffee, soda and alcohol
Acidic fruits, like oranges or tomatoes
Also, practice healthy eating habits. Eat calmly and chew properly. Don't eat in a hurry, because it can trigger stomach acid or make you eat more (satiety).

Don't forget to take the medication your doctor prescribes if you regularly drink it.

3. Give pause after eating
In addition to eating options, the time to start exercise for ulcer sufferers also needs attention. After eating, don't start sports immediately.

If you move with a full stomach filled with food, the pressure on the sphincter will increase. As a result, ulcer symptoms can recur.

Preferably, give pause for 2 hours for food in the stomach to move to the small intestine. This allows stomach acid not to rise into the esophagus.

4. Don't forget to warm up and drink water
One of the tips for fluent sports for ulcer sufferers is the selection of sports clothing. Avoid clothes that are too tight which can increase the pressure around the abdomen.

When ready, continue by doing a warm-up exercise for 5-10 minutes. This exercise is a general rule that must be done by someone before exercise so as not to experience injury.

In addition, don't forget to drink water while you do the exercises. However, do not drink water until bloated. This is not good for your body because it can trigger an increase in stomach acid.

5. Consult a doctor

For people with ulcers who want to make an exercise plan, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. Your doctor can help you make your exercise plan more mature without being disturbed by the appearance of symptoms of an ulcer.

This consultation is done at the same time to check how the development of gastric acid reflux or GERD disease conditions you have.