
These are the Four Most Profitable Agricultural Crops
Image by 41330 from Pixabay

If you are looking for information on the most profitable agricultural business opportunities, then you are actually lucky people, who have ideas and ideas that can deliver you to one of the best business opportunities, out of the many business opportunities available. Why? because the world of agriculture offers opportunities for you to meet a myriad of business opportunities that never die.

Yes, absolutely no death. Because it is only from this world that human food needs are met and how terrible the world will be if a food crisis occurs. So, as long as this life still exists, the Agribusiness world is a savory business opportunity, which you can make promising alternative business choices.

But are all types of agricultural crops profitable? Certainly not. Your carefulness in reading opportunities remains an important thing that must be put forward. And through this article entitled "The Most Profitable Agricultural Crops", we try to analyze and identify for you 4 business opportunities from the point of view of the most profitable agricultural crop commodities.

Please read through it thoroughly, and hopefully this information can help and benefit you all in finding alternative choices for the best Agribusiness business opportunities that are fun.


The first most profitable agricultural crop came from the middle east, the date palm. Yes plants whose fruit is quite popular with many Indonesian people. Especially in the fasting month, demand for dates can rise 10 times the days it can.

But wait! before continuing maybe some of you have asked. "Can this plant really grow in Indonesia?" Hemm ... most people in Indonesia really think that date palm plants are plants that cannot grow in Indonesia. Though the opinion is not entirely correct.

According to expert fruit from the city of Bogor Dr. Mohammad Reza Tirtawinata MS, Indonesian soil has a good opportunity for date palm plants. The type of date meant is tropical date palm. This is because the agro-climate conditions in Indonesia are similar to those of Thailand.

Thailand was the first country to successfully cultivate tropical date palms in the Southeast Asian region. In fact, today the date palm has become one of the favorite commodities of farmers there.

This opinion was also confirmed by Mr. Mukhsin, the manager of the Jonggol Farm estate. Jonggol Farm started cultivating date palm plants because it saw and inspired the success of date palm plantations in Thailand. "Farmers there can earn a net profit of up to Rp 900 million / year from the cultivation of this plant, and their miracles are successful because of the market in Indonesia," said Mr. Muksin.

Seeing this fact, then we think to include the cultivation of date palms into one of the most profitable types of agricultural crops that you can make an alternative choice.


Who doesn't know ice kopyor? Hemm, this is a fresh and delicious drink. But don't imagine, how difficult it is to find this coconut! Eits ... that was first. Why? because currently kopyor coconut has been widely cultivated, even the kopyor coconut cultivation business does not have to be on acres of land. Only with your yard can you become a coconut farmer.

And interestingly not many people are aware and glance at this business opportunity. Though kopyor coconut cultivation can bring fantastic profits. A farmer from Pati regency only planted five kopyor coconut trees in his yard, could support his family, and even was able to send his children to college.


Anyone know hydroponic plants? Is that an expensive plant that is sold in big supermarkets? know right? But did you know that cultivation with a hydroponic system is easier to do than planting in a conventional way using soil?

In addition to the relatively easy method of cultivation, planting activities in this way can be done on limited land. In fact, many hydroponics businesses can reap tens of profits every month just by using their yard.


The last most profitable agricultural crop comes from soybean. As a type of plant that contains high vegetable protein, soybean has a high level of demand in the local market or national market. Even this plant has become a commodity product that needs for the country is still very very lacking. To the extent that Indonesia has become a soybean importer country amidst the benefits of soil fertility and the availability of land which is still very large.

However, the sad facts above can be a spirit of enthusiasm for all of us, to grow soybean plants and at the same time capture the business opportunity of one of the most profitable agricultural crops.

Well, that's how the 4 most profitable agricultural business opportunities we describe. Certainly not limited to the 4 commodities above, there are still many other commodities that also provide a great opportunity for you to start a pleasant agribusiness.