
Image by catbreedslist[dot]com

When you see a cute Angora cat picture, surely you want to buy it to be a friend at home. But before you go to the pet shop, it's good if you know how to care for Angora cats first like in this article. Come on, listen!

1. Watch Your Lifestyle

As discussed above, the type of angora is indeed the type of animal that is active, but he is very hungry for the love of the owner. If left lonely for long periods of time, he will show unpleasant attitude changes.

Therefore, as a potential owner, you must consider whether your lifestyle has been suitable for Angora cats or not. If your activities are not too crowded and you can spend a lot of time at home, he is suitable to be your pet.

But if you are very busy so you do not have time at home, as well as the people around you, it's better to think again to make this animal as a pet.

How to treat angora cats is not only about physical matters. Precisely the most is a mental problem, given this type of need for great and intense love.

2. Choosing the Right Enclosure

Although the majority of his time will be spent playing at home, but you also need to prepare a cage. Especially if you often leave him alone. The cage will prevent him from playing in high ground when you are not around.

How to care for Angora cats is actually quite easy. You don't need to prepare a luxury cage full of good equipment. Just make a large cage, because he really likes to play.

Don't forget, also provide zeolite sand. The sand has a dual function, namely as a base and as a place to defecate. Therefore you should change the sand often.

Ideally, sand can be replaced once every three days. While cleaning the cage can be done once a week. Unless you can educate your cat to defecate and urinate in the toilet, maybe your life could be simpler.

3. Pay attention to the type, place, and diet

Obesity is a problem that is often faced by angora types. And obesity is also often a source of various diseases that lead to death. Because it's one way to care for angora cats that must be very careful is the food. Not only the type of food, but also the amount of intake.

a. Food Types

The first thing that will be discussed is the type of food. When thinking about how to care for Angora cats or any good animal, the owner sometimes thinks that the best food is the most expensive. Though not so.

What you should pay attention to is the type of nutrition that comes in. The first thing to mention about how to care for Angora cats is what they should not eat. In this case, the answer is carbohydrate.

Angora cat's digestive system is not designed to digest large amounts of carbohydrates. Most carbohydrates will increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, it is not recommended to share your food or other pets with angora.

Therefore, nutrients that are allowed to be consumed by other animals or humans, could have caused problems for the Angora cat. It is highly recommended to give him a diet that is high in protein. It is recommended that the protein content in each food is not less than 40%.

b. Amount of Nutrition Incoming

If you are difficult to calculate, you can choose instant foods on the market. In the product packaging there is usually a nutritional dose that has been adjusted based on the cat's nutritional standards.

Then what is the ideal daily portion for Angora cats? Depending on the sex. For female angora, the ideal daily intake is 300kcal / day, while for males it is 400kcal / day.

Instead of filling the place to eat at once, you can divide the meal into 2 times a day, morning and evening. This division is considered appropriate to continue to provide a lot of intake to compensate for its activity, without making it full.

c. Places to eat

Because Angora cats have a habit of observing, they are very sensitive to the condition of the items that are given to them, including the place to eat. He really likes to eat from the tray, rather than a bowl.

Try to place the tray in the same place with dry, clean conditions. The thing is if the food is dirty, he usually doesn't want to eat. Dirty here means that if there is a tub of wet lumps that are not washed.

4. Be diligent in monitoring its weight

When talking about how to keep Angora cats, usually people will only focus on what kind of food is good for consumption. Especially for beginners, they will think the more satisfied the pet, the better the nutrition.

Maybe that is true for some animals, but not with this one animal. Angora is muscular, but she has very fragile bones. This makes excess fat will overload the bones.

In addition to bone problems, obesity will also increase the risk of other diseases such as hepatic lipidosis and fatty liver. So, you must be diligent in weighing once a month.

The ideal weight for male angora is a maximum of 12 pounds, or about 5.5 kg. Whereas for females, it weighs around 8 - 12 pounds or 3-5 kg. If it is excessive, you can cut your daily intake.

5. Regularly brush the bristles

The next way to care for Angora cats is about how to care for their fur. Even though angora hair isn't as intense as Persia, it doesn't mean you can leave it unattended. It is precisely its silky fur that makes this species valuable.

To keep it attractive, brush the bristles at least once every two days using a long toothed metal comb. Avoid combing the chest and abdomen hard because the hairs in both areas are so soft that they break easily.

Fortunately, angora including medium-sized cats. So how to care for Angora cats is not too time consuming, cost, and energy. In addition to maintaining appearance, diligently combing his feathers will reduce the risk of swallowing hair ball.

Hair ball is a lump of hair that falls out due to the habit of angora who likes to lick her body. Actually, this hair ball is not dangerous. However, if swallowed and remains in the stomach, the lump will interfere with the digestion of the animal.

6. Pay attention to the recommended way to bathe Angora cats

Considering the condition of its fur as smooth as silk, paying attention to how to bathe becomes an important point when discussing how to care for angora cats. Ideally, bathing angora is usually done every seven weeks for white angora, and for colored angora it can be more than that.

You must be surprised how long it's been taking a bath. Because actually every cat already has a system of self-cleaning, namely by licking his body. Especially for angora, the fur is very fragile. Frequency of bathing will make the feathers fall out more.

When bathing, use an anti-limp shampoo and conditioner. If your color is white, an animal-specific whitening shampoo is recommended. But do not use bleach to restore the white color. It could even fall all the feathers.

After bathing, don't forget to dry it using a hair dryer. To avoid overheating, use a medium heat that is placed as far as 6 inches from the cat.

7. Clean the ears twice a week

Of the many diseases that whack, deafness is the health problem most often whack this type. Therefore, you should often clean the ears as much as two weeks.

You can use cotton ball so that it doesn't damage the ear canal. If it's clean, then the inside of his ears will be pink and not smell bad. But if the color of the ears is still dark or murky, it means there is still dirt left behind.

8. Be Diligent Cut Nails

Angora loves to climb. So long nails can damage your furniture, so try to cut the nails once every two weeks or once a month. In addition, cutting nails is also included in how to treat Angora cats related to grooming.

Cutting her nails doesn't need to go to the salon. You can also do it yourself. Just cut the outside of the white nails, no need to get to the pink.

Try to make the cat feel comfortable, so he doesn't move too much. The sudden move was feared to hurt the pink part of her nails.

9. Provide a place for climbing

When talking about how to take good care of Angora cats, many people often focus too much on their physical needs. Then they forget their mental needs, like toys.

We know for yourself that Angora is an active cat and has a great curiosity. Therefore, he likes to climb. Instead of damaging your cupboard or shelves, you'd better provide a special place to climb.

Put the climbing place at the end of the room, next to a window or in other open places. A place that has easy access to views of the entire room is an ideal place for angora to play, even sleep.

In addition to climbing places, also provide some toys such as fake mice or rubber balls to help him channel his activities. If necessary, invite him to play. Not just giving him attention, playing together prevents him from obesity.

10. Frequently Visit to the Veterinarian

Even if your cat isn't sick, try to visit the vet regularly, whether it's for vaccines or just monitoring the condition. Health check is a way to care for Angora cats which is very important to extend its life.

Typically, Angora cats can live around 10-18 years. However, to get that long, of course you must be diligent in caring for your health and giving him vaccines such as the rabies vaccine, FPV, FIV, FIP, Bordeteila, FeLV, and Chlamydophila felis.

Is the Way to Take Care of Your Cat Members Is Right?

That was a glimpse of how to care for Angora cats. In it has been alluded to about how to bathe Angora cats, tips on caring for health, to tips when feeding it.

Hopefully this information is useful for you and your cute cat member. And if you still want to see the cute faces of other four-legged animals, immediately explore KepoGaul animal channel, let's go!