
How to Identify a Turkish Angora Cat

Many are confused about how to properly care for Angora cats. Because giving an expensive food member is not enough to guarantee that he will grow up healthy and in accordance with what the owner wants.

Because of that, knowing how to properly maintain really helps the owner of Angora to maintain the health of the meow to be more optimal. If the handling is wrong, he won't be able to be a pleasant pet.

Not only susceptible to disease, his appearance will be neglected. Though Angora or Angora cats are praised for their charming appearance, which is fur as soft as silk.

Now, if this is your first experience in raising cats, this article can really help you in understanding the characteristics of Angora cats. But, even if you have a lot of cats, I think you still need to read the info in here.

The problem is maintaining angora is not like maintaining other breeds of cats, you know. What's the difference? Come on, see it here!


Before knowing about how to care for Angora cats, it's good if you know about the history of this breed. Check it out here, let's go!

Pure Turkish Angora Race

So in fact, there are many types of Angora cats in the world, such as German Angora or American Angora. However, both types are only derivatives of Turkish Angora. This is the original species of Angora cat.

Turkish angora is a descendant of African wild cats that have gene mutations. These DNA changes make the fur longer, thicker, and soft like silk.

Around the 1500s, the Crusades and cross-country trade succeeded in delivering Turkish Angora to various countries, such as France, England, and Italy.

Confused as to what they call it, traders call it Turkish angora. Turkish refers to the country of Turkey, while angora is taken from the name of the Capital of Istanbul, namely Ankara.

Did not take long, turkish angora became very popular in Europe. In fact, it is said that this species is the first type of long-haired cat that traces the Blue Continent.

After dominating the plains of Europe, this species began to spread its wings to the Americas. The year 1700 was the beginning of the turkish angora entering America and was immediately popular as an animal with beautiful fur.

Unfortunately, the arrival of other furry cats from Persia made the turkish angora dominance collapse. In fact, this type is only used as a cross booster so that the Persian type has fur that is not only thick, but also soft.

Start Becoming a Protected Animal

Because many are exported abroad, the turkish angora population in Turkey itself has actually declined. Finally, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Ankara zoo started a breeding program for the new turkish angora species with white hair.

The Turkish state considers turkish pure white-haired angora as an asset of the nation. Therefore, it is very difficult to bring pure Turkish angora out of Turkey. This is considered attractive by the United States. Although there are already many crossbreed angora, they consider turkish pure white-haired angora far more interesting.

Finally in 1960, the Ankara zoo allowed a married couple from the US, Colonel Walter Grant and his wife, to have a pair of pure turkish angora in white fur.

The pair of cats are the joint-eyed male (right brown and left blue) and the amber-eyed female. Eventually, both of them became the forerunners of breeding

Types of Angora Cats

Unlike Persia which has many types with different names, Angora can be said to have very few types, which are only two. What are they? Come on, see everything here.

1. Odd and White-Eyed

This is a type of native Turkish Angora which is very protected. The Turkish state is very selective in regulating the trade of pure turkish angora because these animals are considered as state assets that must be protected.

Original Turkish angora has the characteristics of white body hair and combination eyes. In a sense, right and left eyes are different colors. This difference is termed odd-eyed or odd-eyed.

2. Green-eyed

For green-eyed Angora cats, it's usually not pure Turkish Angora. This is a crossbreed with other types of cats. For the results of crossing some characteristics of pure Angora cats are still attached such as the shape of ears and smooth hair like silk.

Turkish angora heredity, the color of the fur is no longer white. Even if it's white, the eyes won't turn blue. According to Fife, federation of cat race recognition and registration, there are at least seven angora fur colors that are recognized. They are white angora with yellow eyes, black spotted silver, black smoke tortoise shell, blue smoke, black and torbi colors, black and white.


In Indonesia, many are confused about the difference between persian cats and Angora. If it happens to those who intend to adopt angora, surely there will be a wrong way to care for Angora cats. Because both of them are physically different, so the treatments are different. What is Angora cat physically like?

Broadly speaking, all types of angora have the same appearance, which has a slim body, slightly muscular and filled with long hair and smooth as silk. The color of the fur can vary, except the original turkish angora.

The original turkish angora type is pure white accompanied by odd eyes. Whereas the angora color mixture of his eyes was only green. Apart from the eyes, the characteristic inherent in this type is the shape of the ear. Angora has pointed and high ears.


On the internet, surely you can find many collections of ways to care for Angora cats. However, memorizing all the points intended will also be useless if you do not know the characteristics of angora itself.

Instead of mishandling, you should check first what kind of temperament and habits of this little fluffy little one, let's go!

Very Active and Smart

For those who like to play with their pets, choosing Angora cats is the right choice. Unlike the calm Persians, Angora is known as a very active, agile cat and has a great sense of curiosity.

That's why he likes to go up high, like for example stacking shelves on the wall, bookshelves, or the top of the refrigerator. From that height he can freely observe things more clearly.

Somehow, but this type always has a way to rise to the top. This may be influenced by his high intellectual abilities, so he often manages to do what he wants.

If there is no height where he can climb, usually Angora cats will be busy chasing toys or something that moves. Sometimes he also likes to sneak into a closed place, such as a laundry basket, with the aim of just playing.

Animal Friendly but Thirsty Attention

Unlike Tom the cat who is always noisy with Jerry the mouse, Angora cat is a type that is very friendly to other animals, whether they are similar or not. That makes it simpler to care for Angora cats. Because we don't need to give it a separate room from other animals.

Only, he really likes to be the leader of the herd of animals in the house. Especially if most of the animals in your house are cats. He will take command and make others his followers.

Not only animals, he is also classified as friendly to humans, be it on family members or strangers. No wonder he likes being the first person to greet guests.

But even though it's easy to get close to everyone, Angora cats always choose one person for her to "stick". And to that person, he can be very spoiled and possessive when his attention is shared.

When talking about how to care for angora cats, attention is very important. Because unlike other cats, the type of angora is not an independent type. In a sense, if he is left alone for a long time, he will get bored and feel stressed.

The first thing he did might make a loud voice to get attention. But if the boredom is severe, he will do something destructive, like scratching the sofa.