
Causes of Flu That You Should Not Underestimate
Image by Анастасия Гепп from Pixabay

Everyone has had the flu at least once in their lives. This infection can affect anyone at any age, both children and adults. Knowing the various causes of the flu is one effective step so you can avoid this disease.

The cause of the flu that must be wary of

Aka influenza is a contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus. The influenza viruses are influenza types A, B, and C. Influenza viruses types A and B usually cause seasonal flu, while influenza type C usually causes mild respiratory distress.

You can get infected with influenza virus if you inhale a splash of saliva that comes out of the mouth of a sick flu when they sneeze and a cough doesn't cover your mouth. The virus that causes flu can also be transmitted by talking to people who have the flu when the body is very close. Influenza can also be contagious when you touch the eyes, nose, or mouth after handling objects that have been previously contaminated with the virus.

This infection affects the nose, throat and lungs. If not handled properly, the flu can turn into a serious infection that endangers the sufferer. In severe cases, flu can cause death but cases like this are quite rare.

Typically, flu symptoms will appear approximately 24-48 hours after you are exposed to this virus. Body aches, muscle aches all over the body, fever, nasal congestion, and sneezing are some of the most typical flu symptoms.

Risk factors for influenza

You could catch a cold without a clear cause. Maybe you don't feel someone sick around you, but suddenly you get a cold.

But even if you don't know where it came from, there are many risk factors for flu that might never be realized. Whether from the environment to the habits that you often do everyday.

Here are various risk factors that cause flu that you need to know.

1. Changes in the weather

Most people may be more susceptible to flu during the rainy season than summer. This is because the flu-causing virus easily develops in cold temperatures and dry air.

Scientists suspect that flu viruses are more easily spread during cold weather because people prefer to gather in a room with a closed window. This results in you more at risk of breathing the same air as other people who are sick with the flu because they are confined in one room.

2. Lack of sleep

Sleep is a basic need of every human being so that the body is always in shape. Unfortunately, many do not know the habit of staying up late or staying up late can be the cause of our flu. Because this bad habit will eventually have an impact on overall health. Especially the way the immune system works.

Normally during sleep, the body will continue to produce the hormone cytokines to fight inflammation and disease in the body. But if you lack sleep, your body will not release as many cytokines as it should. As a result, the ability of the immune system to fight infections and viruses will be weakened thus. You are more prone to illness. Especially if at that time the weather was bad and you were also stressed.

Adults in general are said to get enough sleep if they manage to sleep for at least 7-8 hours each night. So make sure you get enough sleep every night so you don't get sick easily!

3. Less drinking

Most of your body is composed of water. Unfortunately, many people don't realize that lack of drinking can be a risk factor for the flu.

When you are dehydrated or dehydrated, the function and work of your organs will be disrupted. As a result, you may be more vulnerable to experiencing a number of health problems.

In addition, adequate fluid intake also helps keep your mouth, nose and throat moist. If your mouth, nose and throat are dry, it is easier for you to get diseases related to the respiratory system, such as the flu.

So that you avoid the flu, make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. But in truth, everyone's water needs are different. You alone know how much water is needed. In essence, drink it every time you feel thirsty so that your body's fluid needs are still met.

4. Lack of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can also be a risk factor for flu. So far, most people think that vitamin D is beneficial for bone and muscle health. In fact, vitamin D also plays a role in preventing acute respiratory infections.

This is based on research review conducted by researchers from Queen Mary University of London. In that study it was known that adequate intake of vitamin D can help prevent viral infections that cause flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

In addition, other studies also report that vitamin D deficiency is linked to a weakened immune system. As we know, when the immune system, we are more susceptible to various diseases, including flu.

Fortunately, vitamin D is one of the vitamins that is very easy to get. By basking in the morning sun for 10-15 minutes, you already get a portion of vitamin D intake.

Apart from the sun, you can also get vitamin D intake from food consumed daily. Some of them such as fish, egg yolks, milk, beef liver, and mushrooms.

5. Unclean hands

Everyday, your hands will come in contact with objects that might have been "colonized" by many germs. Such as door handles, telephones, computer keyboards, and so forth.

If your hands are dirty, it is very possible that various germs on the hands enter and infect the body. Moreover, you may also often touch other parts of the body, such as cheeks, mouth, nose, or eyes unknowingly.

Therefore, it is obligatory to keep your hands clean. Dirty and unclean hands make germs spread quickly and trigger various diseases. However, make sure you wash your hands the right way, yes.

Quoting on the CDC page, hand washing must be at least 20 seconds and carried out when:

  • Before and after visiting or interacting with people who are sick
  • Before, during and after preparing food
  • Before eating
  • Before and after treating open wounds
  • After touching the trash can
  • After sneezing, coughing, or sniffing
  • After finishing using the bathroom
  • After changing baby diapers

Remember, you can take care of your health so you avoid exposure to the virus that causes flu by leading a healthier life. Whether it's through proper food intake and how to maintain overall personal hygiene.