
Mental Health: Stress, Anxiety Disorders, Depression
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Good mental health is a condition when our mind is in a state of calm and calm, so that it allows us to enjoy our daily life and respect others around us.

Someone who has a healthy mentality can use their abilities or potential to the maximum in dealing with life's challenges, as well as establishing positive relationships with others.

Conversely, people whose mental health is disturbed will experience mood disorders, the ability to think, and emotional control which can ultimately lead to bad behavior.

Mental illness can cause problems in daily life, not only can damage interactions or relationships with others, but also can reduce performance in school and work productivity.

There are several types of mental health problems and the following are the three most common types of conditions.


Stress is a condition when someone experiences a very heavy pressure, both emotionally and mentally.

Someone who is stressed will usually look restless, anxious, and easily offended. Stress can also interfere with concentration, reduce motivation, and in certain cases, trigger depression.

Stress can not only affect the psychology of sufferers, but also can affect their behavior and physical health.

The following are examples of the effects of stress on a person's behavior:
  • Be a loner and be reluctant to interact with others.
  • Reluctant to eat or overeat.
  • Anger, and sometimes anger is difficult to control.
  • Become a smoker or smoke excessively.
  • Excessive drinking of alcohol.
  • Misuse of narcotic drugs.

The following are health problems that can arise from stress:
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Tired
  • Headache
  • Stomach ache
  • Chest pain
  • Pain or tension in the muscles
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disorders

Many factors can cause a person to experience stress, some of which are financial problems, social relationships, or demands at work. To deal with stress, the main key is to identify the root of the problem and find a solution.

Stress management can also be done by applying the advice suggested in good stress management, such as:
  • Learn to accept a problem that is difficult to overcome or things that cannot be changed.
  • Always think positively and see that everything that happens in life has wisdom.
  • Ask for advice from trusted people to overcome the problem being experienced.
  • Learn to control yourself and always be active in finding solutions.
  • Perform physical activity, meditation, or relaxation techniques to ease emotional tension and clear the mind.
  • Do new things that are challenging and other than usual to increase self-confidence.
  • Set aside time to do things you like.
  • Engage in social activities to help others. This method can make someone more resilient in dealing with problems, especially if it can help someone who has a problem more severe than they are experiencing.
  • Avoid negative ways to relieve stress, such as smoking, consuming excessive alcoholic beverages, or using drugs.
  • Work by promoting quality not quantity, so that time management is better and life is also more balanced.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are psychological conditions when a person experiences excessive anxiety constantly and is difficult to control, thus adversely affecting his daily life.

For some normal people, anxiety usually arises in a particular incident, for example when going to face an exam at school or a job interview. But in people with anxiety disorders, anxiety often arises in each situation. That is why people who experience this condition will find it difficult to relax from time to time.

In addition to anxiety or excessive fear, other psychological symptoms that can occur in people with anxiety disorders are reduced self-confidence, being irritable, stressed, difficult to concentrate, and being a loner.

Meanwhile, physical symptoms that may accompany the problem of anxiety disorders include:
  • Hard to sleep
  • Trembling body
  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle becomes tense
  • Heart beat
  • Hard to breathe
  • Tired
  • Stomach or headache
  • Dizzy
  • Mouth feels dry
  • Tingling

Although the cause of anxiety disorders is not yet known with certainty, several factors are thought to trigger the emergence of the condition. Among these are trauma caused by intimidation, harassment, and violence in the outside environment or family.

Other risk factors are prolonged stress, genes inherited from parents, and an imbalance of the hormones serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain that function to control mood. Anxiety disorders can also be triggered by alcohol abuse and illegal drugs.

Actually, anxiety disorders can be overcome without the help of a doctor through a number of ways, such as consuming high nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, reducing caffeine intake, alcoholic beverages, or other sedatives, not smoking, exercising regularly, and doing simple relaxation methods, such as yoga or meditation.

If independent treatment does not make changes, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Handling from a doctor usually involves administering anti-drug medicines as well as cognitive therapy.


Depression is a mood disorder that causes sufferers to constantly feel sad. In contrast to ordinary sadness which generally lasts for several days, feelings of sadness in depression can last for weeks or months.

In addition to affecting feelings or emotions, depression can also cause physical problems, change the way you think, and change the way your sufferers behave. It is not uncommon for people with depression to have difficulty undergoing normal daily activities. Even in certain cases, they can hurt themselves and try to kill themselves.

The following are some psychological symptoms of someone who is depressed:
  • Loss of interest or motivation to do something.
  • Constantly feeling sad, even crying all the time.
  • Feel very guilty and worry too much.
  • Cannot enjoy life because of loss of self-confidence.
  • Difficult to make decisions and easily offended.
  • Indifferent to others.
  • Having thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

The following are the effects of depression on physical health that may occur:
  • Sleep disturbance and body feel weak.
  • Speak or move slower.
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Libido goes down and appears constipated.
  • Appetite decreased or increased dramatically.
  • Feeling aches or pains for no reason.

There are a variety of things that can trigger depression, ranging from life events that cause stress, losing loved ones, feeling lonely, to having a fragile personality against depression.

In addition, depression experienced by a person can also be caused by suffering from severe and prolonged illnesses, such as cancer and heart problems, severe head injuries, the effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, to genetic factors in the family.

It is advisable to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of depression for more than two weeks and do not go away. Especially if the symptoms of depression interfere with the process of education, work, and social relations,

Handling of depression by a doctor will be adjusted to the severity of depression suffered by each patient. The form of treatment can be in the form of consultation therapy, administration of antidepressants, or a combination of both.