
When Picasso Understands Plato
Image by Kompasiana

Disappointed, little Plato finally knew the real embodiment of the word disappointed. The condition of the new world is no more different, that's what makes him disappointed. In fact, if born again, he aspires to live in the world as stated in his Republic. But whatever is said, it turns out that the demagogues are still in power as they used to be. The masters of capital throughout the world do not care about the compositions of philosophers who have contributed much to the world. All they know is that every debtor must pay. The past, is another thing.

Candied sellers still easily manipulated the Athenians - sneaky campaigns about the evil of doctors peddling the bitterness of drugs. "Whoever does not learn from the period of three thousand years does not make use of his mind," Gothe warned. However, whatever he said, children of civilization are more fond of playing Instagram than having to bother to chew on the advice of its predecessors. That is what made the doctor never win against the brothers selling sweets.

Demagogy is not the only thing that Plato young regrets. He thought, in the corner of the canteen, it was not without reason. His peers are cruelly brave to dump him. His brilliant thoughts about the ideal state were overwhelmed by the oblique views of his friends - rebuking the shabbiness of his sneakers. something that had never been imagined before, the world was no better than the stories of medieval dystopia told by her new mother - as a bedtime tale.

The world of ideas is eternal and eternal. The physical world is only an extension of the world of ideas. Plato was infuriated by the actions of his peers. How could they not understand something as simple as that: that no matter how many sneakers they wore, it was not appropriate for them to dump them, because what was more important was the ideal sneakers inside their heads. Only by understanding that, their peers can inshaf identify themselves - unfortunately, they don't understand anything at all.

New Plato, living in a difficult time acting as a prince in the story of Cinderella. Because to get that role, they - the teachers - at the academy had to carefully measure the sharpness of their nose, the slender height, the depth of their chin, all of that unfortunately he didn't have it. All he had was a myriad of examples of his allegory in the cave. But unfortunately, that's all, not enough to convince his teachers to want to play it with the beautiful Cinderella - in the drama of the next grade.

"You're too ugly to be a prince," the woman with the bright red lipstick - bluntly - barked her. Small Plato is now stunned on the third bench before the back. Holding back tears in the corner - looking at the glimpse of his role as prince is now played by a handsome young man. The young Plato moved from the room, dragging his bag-limp without taste. That day, little Plato came home earlier than usual. His disappointment had reached the threshold. Instead of helping him realize his goals, the school actually broke many of his goals.

"Too bad to be a prince?" He couldn't help thinking, the cruel words coming from a teacher, who was said to be the parent of every child at school. How could parents be so heartless to rebuke their children? The feeling of confusion continued to surround his mind. As the flat stone which he throws sloped to the surface of the river - bounces a few times, then sinks, so the confusion soothes it - prancing things for a while, then sinking in memory into trauma.

Today's world is completely ruled by materialism. How many human talents in the world that must be hidden because of the physical standards that exist. The young Plato, now standing in a pile of earth at the edge of the river - really thought about that. From across the river, it was seen that the beautiful prince was laughing with his friends - headed home. Was it possible he had to throw his flat stone - it flew to target the beautiful face? He was truly disgusted with all forms of temporal physical beauty.

But just a flash, he undo his evil intentions then. As he descended from the mound, young Plato realized one thing: there was no need to always compare yourself with the person on the other side. No matter how tall he can stand on a mound, there must always be a taller one - standing above him, always. Too much attention to the strengths of people, sometimes makes forget how special yourself. Instead of busy cursing a neighbor's green grass, it's better to start cultivating your own yard with an abundance of green leaves.

Pervading that fact, makes it a little more comfortable. As he walked along the long river to the house, young Plato remembered the offerings of his painting teacher at the academy, describing Guernica as one of Picasso's masterpieces during the civil war. However, it is not surrealism that he best remembers from the explanation, but rather a motivation to always be confident that his teacher inserts from the life journey of a Picasso.

"When I was a child, my mother told me: 'If you become a soldier, then you will become a general. If you become a monk, you (must) end up as a pope.' But instead, I become a painter and end up as Picasso. "

The painting teacher, always tells the story wholeheartedly, heart to heart. Even if there was still a reason for Plato to return to the academy, the main reason was to drop by the art class. If the bald teacher is the one who tells stories, ordinary stories can turn extraordinary. No exception, about the Spanish painter - Picasso. The young Plato did not expect, from the words of Picasso whose teacher told him, he came to understand what he had to do. Being yourself is what he must do.

To idolize dream figures, betray themselves by trying to disguise themselves as them, young Plato is done with it all. In an age when Greece was no longer the mouth of science, with sweets becoming rulers, materialism flourished to become a standard for everyone to judge each other. Forcing the world to invite him to be a prince is the most ridiculous behavior he has ever done, so he is aware.

The next day at the academy, the teacher is busy gathering one by one the life proposal sheet that he spreads the first hour earlier. In the dream column there is nothing new, as usual, written are professions that almost everyone must have written. Putting a mark on the sheet was checked, quite easily the actual task of the woman. I was so fast turning the page, suddenly one of them fell accidentally.

In contrast to his friends, the writing of this student makes the teacher smile himself reading it, written in the dream column a series of interesting words:

"I know, you will not really examine each of these papers. If you read this, my paper must have been the one that fell from your desk. Since I heard what you said on the drama stage yesterday, I have found a true dream that I want to achieve it. My dreams may sound strange, but if the future really does exist, in the future I want to become Plato, will I end up being Plato? Of course, if you are willing to guide me. "